
Virginia stock

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Mahon stock \Ma*hon" stock`\ (Bot.)
   An annual cruciferous plant with reddish purple or white
   flowers ({Malcolmia maritima}). It is called in England
   {Virginia stock}, but the plant comes from the Mediterranean.

Virginia \Vir*gin"i*a\, n.
   One of the States of the United States of America. -- a. Of
   or pertaining to the State of Virginia.

   {Virginia cowslip} (Bot.), the American lungwort ({Mertensia

   {Virginia creeper} (Bot.), a common ornamental North American
      woody vine ({Ampelopsis quinquefolia}), climbing
      extensively by means of tendrils; -- called also
      {woodbine}, and {American ivy}. [U. S.]

   {Virginia fence}. See {Worm fence}, under {Fence}.

   {Virginia nightingale} (Zo["o]l.), the cardinal bird. See
      under {Cardinal}.

   {Virginia quail} (Zo["o]l.), the bobwhite.

   {Virginia reel}, an old English contradance; -- so called in
      the United States. --Bartlett.

   {Virginia stock}. (Bot.) See {Mahon stock}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

Virginia stock
     n : erect branching herb cultivated for its loose racemes of
         fragrant white or pink or red or lilac flowers; native to
         sands and sea cliffs of southwestern Greece and southern
         Albania [syn: {Virginian stock}, {Malcolmia maritima}]
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