
Upon the gad

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Gad \Gad\, n. [OE. gad, Icel. gaddr goad, sting; akin to Sw.
   gadd sting, Goth. gazds, G. gerte switch. See {Yard} a
   1. The point of a spear, or an arrowhead.

   2. A pointed or wedge-shaped instrument of metal, as a steel
      wedge used in mining, etc.

            I will go get a leaf of brass, And with a gad of
            steel will write these words.         --Shak.

   3. A sharp-pointed rod; a goad.

   4. A spike on a gauntlet; a gadling. --Fairholt.

   5. A wedge-shaped billet of iron or steel. [Obs.]

            Flemish steel . . . some in bars and some in gads.

   6. A rod or stick, as a fishing rod, a measuring rod, or a
      rod used to drive cattle with. [Prov. Eng. Local, U.S.]
      --Halliwell. Bartlett.

   {Upon the gad}, upon the spur of the moment; hastily. [Obs.]
      ``All this done upon the gad!'' --Shak.
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