
Up to the hub

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hub \Hub\, n. [See 1st {Hob}.]
   1. The central part, usually cylindrical, of a wheel; the
      nave. See Illust. of {Axle box}.

   2. The hilt of a weapon. --Halliwell.

   3. A rough protuberance or projecting obstruction; as, a hub
      in the road. [U.S.] See {Hubby}.

   4. A goal or mark at which quoits, etc., are cast.

   5. (Diesinking) A hardened, engraved steel punch for
      impressing a device upon a die, used in coining, etc.

   6. A screw hob. See {Hob}, 3.

   7. A block for scotching a wheel.

   {Hub plank} (Highway Bridges), a horizontal guard plank along
      a truss at the height of a wagon-wheel hub.

   {Up to the hub}, as far as possible in embarrassment or
      difficulty, or in business, like a wheel sunk in mire;
      deeply involved. [Colloq.]
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