

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Until \Un*til"\, conj.
   As far as; to the place or degree that; especially, up to the
   time that; till. See {Till}, conj.

         In open prospect nothing bounds our eye, Until the
         earth seems joined unto the sky.         --Dryden.

         But the rest of the dead lives not again until the
         thousand years were finished.            --Rev. xx. 5.

Until \Un*til"\, prep. [OE. until, ontil; un- (as in unto) + til
   till; cf. Dan. indtil, Sw. intill. See {Unto}, and {Till},
   1. To; unto; towards; -- used of material objects. --Chaucer.

            Taverners until them told the same.   --Piers

            He roused himself full blithe, and hastened them
            until.                                --Spenser.

   2. To; up to; till; before; -- used of time; as, he staid
      until evening; he will not come back until the end of the

            He and his sons were priests to the tribe of Dan
            until the day of the captivity.       --Judg. xviii.

   Note: In contracts and like documents until is construed as
         exclusive of the date mentioned unless it was the
         manifest intent of the parties to include it.
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