
Unlawful assembly

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Unlawful \Un*law"ful\, a.
   Not lawful; contrary to law. -- {Un*law"ful*ly}, adv. --
   {Un*law"ful*ness}, n.

   {Unlawful assembly}. (Law) See under {Assembly}.

   {Assembly room}, a room in which persons assemble, especially
      for dancing.

   {Unlawful assembly} (Law), a meeting of three or more persons
      on a common plan, in such a way as to cause a reasonable
      apprehension that they will disturb the peace

   {Westminster Assembly}, a convocation, consisting chiefly of
      divines, which, by act of Parliament, assembled July 1,
      1643, and remained in session some years. It framed the
      ``Confession of Faith,'' the ``Larger Catechism,'' and the
      ``Shorter Catechism,'' which are still received as
      authority by Presbyterians, and are substantially accepted
      by Congregationalists.

   Syn: See {Assemblage}.
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