
To take to task

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Task \Task\, n. [OE. taske, OF. tasque, F. t[^a]che, for tasche,
   LL. tasca, taxa, fr. L. taxare to rate, appraise, estimate.
   See {Tax}, n. & v.]
   1. Labor or study imposed by another, often in a definite
      quantity or amount.

            Ma task of servile toil.              --Milton.

            Each morning sees some task begin, Each evening sees
            it close.                             --Longfellow.

   2. Business; employment; undertaking; labor.

            His mental powers were equal to greater tasks.

   {To take to task}. See under {Take}.

   Syn: Work; labor; employment; business; toil; drudgery;
        study; lesson; stint.

   {To take place}, {root}, {sides}, {stock}, etc. See under
      {Place}, {Root}, {Side}, etc.

   {To take the air}.
      (a) (Falconry) To seek to escape by trying to rise higher
          than the falcon; -- said of a bird.
      (b) See under {Air}.

   {To take the field}. (Mil.) See under {Field}.

   {To take thought}, to be concerned or anxious; to be
      solicitous. --Matt. vi. 25, 27.

   {To take to heart}. See under {Heart}.

   {To take to task}, to reprove; to censure.
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