
The Porch

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Porch \Porch\, n. [F. porche, L. porticus, fr. porta a gate,
   entrance, or passage. See {Port} a gate, and cf. {Portico}.]
   1. (Arch.) A covered and inclosed entrance to a building,
      whether taken from the interior, and forming a sort of
      vestibule within the main wall, or projecting without and
      with a separate roof. Sometimes the porch is large enough
      to serve as a covered walk. See also {Carriage porch},
      under {Carriage}, and {Loggia}.

            The graceless Helen in the porch I spied Of Vesta's
            temple.                               --Dryden.

   2. A portico; a covered walk. [Obs.]

            Repair to Pompey's porch, where you shall find find
            us.                                   --Shak.

   {The Porch}, a public portico, or great hall, in Athens,
      where Zeno, the philosopher, taught his disciples; hence,
      sometimes used as equivalent to the school of the Stoics.
      It was called "h poiki`lh stoa`. [See {Poicile}.]
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