

资料来源 : pyDict

以致,因为 那那?,那样

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

That \That\, pron., a., conj., & adv. [AS. [eth][ae]t, neuter
   nom. & acc. sing. of the article (originally a demonstrative
   pronoun). The nom. masc. s[=e], and the nom. fem. se['o] are
   from a different root. AS. [eth][ae]t is akin to D. dat, G.
   das, OHG. daz, Sw. & Dan. det, Icel. [thorn]at (masc. s[=a],
   fem. s[=o]), Goth. [thorn]ata (masc. sa, fem. s[=o]), Gr. ?
   (masc. ?, fem. ?), Skr. tat (for tad, masc. sas, fem. s[=a]);
   cf. L. istud that. [root]184. Cf. {The}, {Their}, {They},
   {Them}, {This}, {Than}, {Since}.]
   1. As a demonstrative pronoun (pl. {Those}), that usually
      points out, or refers to, a person or thing previously
      mentioned, or supposed to be understood. That, as a
      demonstrative, may precede the noun to which it refers;
      as, that which he has said is true; those in the basket
      are good apples.

            The early fame of Gratian was equal to that of the
            most celebrated princes.              --Gibbon.

   Note: That may refer to an entire sentence or paragraph, and
         not merely to a word. It usually follows, but sometimes
         precedes, the sentence referred to.

               That be far from thee, to do after this manner,
               to slay the righteous with the wicked. --Gen.
                                                  xviii. 25.

               And when Moses heard that, he was content. --Lev.
                                                  x. 20.

               I will know your business, Harry, that I will.

   Note: That is often used in opposition to this, or by way of
         distinction, and in such cases this, like the Latin hic
         and French ceci, generally refers to that which is
         nearer, and that, like Latin ille and French cela, to
         that which is more remote. When they refer to foreign
         words or phrases, this generally refers to the latter,
         and that to the former.

               Two principles in human nature reign; Self-love,
               to urge, and Reason, to restrain; Nor this a
               good, nor that a bad we call.      --Pope.

               If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this or
               that.                              --James iv.

   2. As an adjective, that has the same demonstrative force as
      the pronoun, but is followed by a noun.

            It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in
            the day of judgment, than for that city. --Matt. x.

            The woman was made whole from that hour. --Matt. ix.

   Note: That was formerly sometimes used with the force of the
         article the, especially in the phrases that one, that
         other, which were subsequently corrupted into th'tone,
         th'tother (now written t'other).

               Upon a day out riden knightes two . . . That one
               of them came home, that other not. --Chaucer.

   3. As a relative pronoun, that is equivalent to who or which,
      serving to point out, and make definite, a person or thing
      spoken of, or alluded to, before, and may be either
      singular or plural.

            He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself
            shame.                                --Prov. ix. 7.

            A judgment that is equal and impartial must incline
            to the greater probabilities.         --Bp. Wilkins.
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