

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Thammuz \Tham"muz\, Tammuz \Tam"muz\, n. [Heb. thamm[=u]z.]
   1. A deity among the ancient Syrians, in honor of whom the
      Hebrew idolatresses held an annual lamentation. This deity
      has been conjectured to be the same with the Ph[oe]nician
      Adon, or Adonis. --Milton.

   2. The fourth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, --
      supposed to correspond nearly with our month of July.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : the tenth month of the civil year; the fourth month of the
         ecclesiastic year (in June and July) [syn: {Tammuz}]
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