
Teucrium chamaedrys

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Germander \Ger*man"der\, n. [OE. germaunder, F. germandr['e]e,
   It. calamandrea, L. chamaedrys, fr. Gr.?; ? on the earth or
   ground + ? tree. See {Humble}, and {Tree}.] (Bot.)
   A plant of the genus {Teucrium} (esp. {Teucrium Cham[ae]drys}
   or wall germander), mintlike herbs and low shrubs.

   {American germander}, {Teucrium Canadense}.

   {Germander chickweed}, {Veronica agrestis}.

   {Water germander}, {Teucrium Scordium}.

   {Wood germander}, {Teucrium Scorodonia}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

Teucrium chamaedrys
     n : European perennial subshrub with red-purple or bright rose
         flowers with red and white spots [syn: {wall germander}]
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