

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Myrobalan \My*rob"a*lan\, Myrobolan \My*rob"o*lan\, n. [L.
   myrobalanum the fruit of a palm tree from which a balsam was
   made, Gr. ?; ? any sweet juice distilling from plants, any
   prepared unguent or sweet oil + ? an acorn or any similar
   fruit: cf. F. myrobolan.]
   A dried astringent fruit much resembling a prune. It contains
   tannin, and was formerly used in medicine, but is now chiefly
   used in tanning and dyeing. Myrobolans are produced by
   various species of {Terminalia} of the East Indies, and of
   {Spondias} of South America.

Terminalia \Ter`mi*na"li*a\, n. pl. [L.] (Rom. Antiq.)
   A festival celebrated annually by the Romans on February 23
   in honor of Terminus, the god of boundaries.
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