

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Straight \Straight\, a. [Compar. {Straighter}; superl.
   {Straightest}.] [OE. strei?t, properly p. p. of strecchen to
   stretch, AS. streht, p. p. of streccan to stretch, to extend.
   See {Stretch}.]
   1. Right, in a mathematical sense; passing from one point to
      another by the nearest course; direct; not deviating or
      crooked; as, a straight line or course; a straight piece
      of timber.

            And the crooked shall be made straight. --Isa. xl.

            There are many several sorts of crooked lines, but
            there is only one which is straight.  --Dryden.

   2. (Bot.) Approximately straight; not much curved; as,
      straight ribs are such as pass from the base of a leaf to
      the apex, with a small curve.

   3. (Card Playing) Composed of cards which constitute a
      regular sequence, as the ace, king, queen, jack, and
      ten-spot; as, a straight hand; a straight flush.
依字母排序 : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z