

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stint \Stint\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stinted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Stinting}.] [OE. stinten, stenten, stunten, to cause to
   cease, AS. styntan (in comp.) to blunt, dull, fr. stunt dull,
   stupid; akin to Icel. stytta to shorten, stuttr short, dial,
   Sw. stynta to shorten, stunt short. Cf. {Stent}, {Stunt}.]
   1. To restrain within certain limits; to bound; to confine;
      to restrain; to restrict to a scant allowance.

            I shall not go about to extenuate the latitude of
            the curse upon the earth, or stint it only to the
            production of weeds.                  --Woodward.

            She stints them in their meals.       --Law.

   2. To put an end to; to stop. [Obs.] --Shak.

   3. To assign a certain (i. e., limited) task to (a person),
      upon the performance of which one is excused from further
      labor for the day or for a certain time; to stent.

   4. To serve successfully; to get with foal; -- said of mares.

            The majority of maiden mares will become stinted
            while at work.                        --J. H. Walsh.
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