
Sternopastor contra

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Starling \Star"ling\, n. [OE. sterlyng, a dim. of OE. stare, AS.
   st[ae]r; akin to AS. stearn, G. star, staar, OHG. stara,
   Icel. starri, stari, Sw. stare, Dan. st[ae]r, L. sturnus. Cf.
   {Stare} a starling.]
   1. (Zo["o]l.) Any passerine bird belonging to {Sturnus} and
      allied genera. The European starling ({Sturnus vulgaris})
      is dark brown or greenish black, with a metallic gloss,
      and spotted with yellowish white. It is a sociable bird,
      and builds about houses, old towers, etc. Called also
      {stare}, and {starred}. The pied starling of India is
      {Sternopastor contra}.

   2. (Zo["o]l.) A California fish; the rock trout.

   3. A structure of piles driven round the piers of a bridge
      for protection and support; -- called also {sterling}.

   {Rose-colored starling}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Pastor}.
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