

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stere \Stere\, n. [F. st[`e]re, fr. Gr. ? solid.]
   A unit of cubic measure in the metric system, being a cubic
   meter, or kiloliter, and equal to 35.3 cubic feet, or nearly
   11/3 cubic yards.

Stere \Stere\, v. t. & i.
   To stir. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

Stere \Stere\, n.
   A rudder. See 5th {Steer}. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

Stere \Stere\, n.
   Helmsman. See 6th {Steer}. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
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