

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stang \Stang\,
   imp. of {Sting}. [Archaic]

Stang \Stang\, n. [OE. stange, of Scand. or Dutch origin; cf.
   Icel. st["o]ng, akin to Dan. stang, Sw. st[*a]ng, D. stang,
   G. stange, OHG. stanga, AS. steng; from the root of E.
   1. A long bar; a pole; a shaft; a stake.

   2. In land measure, a pole, rod, or perch. [Obs. or Prov.
      Eng.] --Swift.

   {Stang ball}, a projectile consisting of two half balls
      united by a bar; a bar shot. See Illust. of {Bar shot},
      under {Bar}.

   {To ride the stang}, to be carried on a pole on men's
      shoulders. This method of punishing wife beaters, etc.,
      was once in vogue in some parts of England.

Stang \Stang\, v. i. [Akin to sting; cf. Icel. stanga to prick,
   to goad.]
   To shoot with pain. [Prov. Eng.]

Sting \Sting\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stung}(Archaic {Stang}); p.
   pr. & vb. n. {Stinging}.] [AS. stingan; akin to Icel. & Sw.
   stinga, Dan. stinge, and probably to E. stick, v.t.; cf.
   Goth. usstiggan to put out, pluck out. Cf. {Stick}, v. t.]
   1. To pierce or wound with a sting; as, bees will sting an
      animal that irritates them; the nettles stung his hands.

   2. To pain acutely; as, the conscience is stung with remorse;
      to bite. ``Slander stings the brave.'' --Pope.

   3. To goad; to incite, as by taunts or reproaches.
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