
Sea goose

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Sea goose \Sea" goose`\ (Zo["o]l.)
   A phalarope.

   {Goose grass}. (Bot.)
      (a) A plant of the genus {Galium} ({G. Aparine}), a
          favorite food of geese; -- called also {catchweed} and
      (b) A species of knotgrass ({Polygonum aviculare}).
      (c) The annual spear grass ({Poa annua}).

   {Goose neck}, anything, as a rod of iron or a pipe, curved
      like the neck of a goose; specially (Naut.), an iron hook
      connecting a spar with a mast.

   {Goose quill}, a large feather or quill of a goose; also, a
      pen made from it.

   {Goose skin}. See {Goose flesh}, above.

   {Goose tongue} (Bot.), a composite plant ({Achillea
      ptarmica}), growing wild in the British islands.

   {Sea goose}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Phalarope}.

   {Solan goose}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Gannet}.
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