
Scyllium canicula

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Houndfish \Hound"fish\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
   Any small shark of the genus {Galeus} or {Mustelus}, of which
   there are several species, as the smooth houndfish ({G.
   canis}), of Europe and America; -- called also {houndshark},
   and {dogfish}.

   Note: The European nursehound, or small-spotted dogfish, is
         {Scyllium canicula}; the rough houndfish, or
         large-spotted dogfish, is {S. catulus}. The name has
         also sometimes been applied to the bluefish ({Pomatomus
         saltatrix}), and to the silver gar.
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