

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scrabble \Scrab"ble\ (skr[a^]b"b'l), v. i. [imp. & p. p.
   {Scrabbled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Scrabbling}.] [Freq. of scrape.
   Cf. {Scramble}, {Scrawl}, v. t.]
   1. To scrape, paw, or scratch with the hands; to proceed by
      clawing with the hands and feet; to scramble; as, to
      scrabble up a cliff or a tree.

            Now after a while Little-faith came to himself, and
            getting up made shift to scrabble on his way.

   2. To make irregular, crooked, or unmeaning marks; to
      scribble; to scrawl.

            David . . . scrabbled on the doors of the gate. --1.
                                                  Sam. xxi. 13.
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