

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scot \Scot\, n.
   A name for a horse. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

Scot \Scot\, n. [Cf. L. Skoti, pl., AS. Scotta, pl. Skottas,
   A native or inhabitant of Scotland; a Scotsman, or Scotchman.

Scot \Scot\, n. [Icel. skot; or OF. escot, F. ['e]cot, LL.
   scottum, scotum, from a kindred German word; akin to AS.
   scot, and E. shot, shoot; cf. AS. sce['o]tan to shoot, to
   contribute. See {Shoot}, and cf. {Shot}.]
   A portion of money assessed or paid; a tax or contribution; a
   mulct; a fine; a shot.

   {Scot and lot}, formerly, a parish assessment laid on
      subjects according to their ability. [Eng.] --Cowell. Now,
      a phrase for obligations of every kind regarded

            Experienced men of the world know very well that it
            is best to pay scot and lot as they go along.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : a native or inhabitant of Scotland [syn: {Scotsman}, {Scotchman}]
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