
Scoop wheel

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scoop \Scoop\, n. [OE. scope, of Scand. origin; cf. Sw. skopa,
   akin to D. schop a shovel, G. sch["u]ppe, and also to E.
   shove. See {Shovel}.]
   1. A large ladle; a vessel with a long handle, used for
      dipping liquids; a utensil for bailing boats.

   2. A deep shovel, or any similar implement for digging out
      and dipping or shoveling up anything; as, a flour scoop;
      the scoop of a dredging machine.

   3. (Surg.) A spoon-shaped instrument, used in extracting
      certain substances or foreign bodies.

   4. A place hollowed out; a basinlike cavity; a hollow.

            Some had lain in the scoop of the rock. --J. R.

   5. A sweep; a stroke; a swoop.

   6. The act of scooping, or taking with a scoop or ladle; a
      motion with a scoop, as in dipping or shoveling.

   {Scoop net}, a kind of hand net, used in fishing; also, a net
      for sweeping the bottom of a river.

   {Scoop wheel}, a wheel for raising water, having scoops or
      buckets attached to its circumference; a tympanum.
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