
Scissors grinder

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scissors \Scis"sors\, n. pl. [OE. sisoures, OF. cisoires (cf. F.
   ciseaux), probably fr. LL. cisorium a cutting instrument, fr.
   L. caedere to cut. Cf. {Chisel}, {Concise}. The modern
   spelling is due to a mistaken derivation from L. scissor one
   who cleaves or divides, fr. scindere, scissum, to cut,
   A cutting instrument resembling shears, but smaller,
   consisting of two cutting blades with handles, movable on a
   pin in the center, by which they are held together. Often
   called a {pair of scissors}. [Formerly written also {cisors},
   {cizars}, and {scissars}.]

   {Scissors grinder} (Zo["o]l.), the European goatsucker.
      [Prov. Eng.]
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