
Scilla nutans

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Bluebell \Blue"bell`\, n. (Bot.)
   (a) A plant of the genus {Campanula}, especially the
       {Campanula rotundifolia}, which bears blue bell-shaped
       flowers; the harebell.
   (b) A plant of the genus {Scilla} ({Scilla nutans}).

Harebell \Hare"bell`\, n. (Bot.)
   A small, slender, branching plant ({Campanula rotundifolia}),
   having blue bell-shaped flowers; also, {Scilla nutans}, which
   has similar flowers; -- called also {bluebell}. [Written also

         E'en the light harebell raised its head. --Sir W. Scott

Culverkey \Cul"ver*key`\ (-k?`), n.
   1. A bunch of the keys or samaras of the ash tree. --Wright.

   2. An English meadow plant, perhaps the columbine or the
      bluebell squill ({Scilla nutans}). [Obs.]

            A girl cropping culverkeys and cowslips to make
            garlands.                             --Walton.
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