

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Repose \Re*pose"\ (r[-e]*p[=o]z"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reposed}
   (-p?zd"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Reposing}.] [F. reposer; L. pref.
   re- re- + pausare to pause. See {Pause}, {Pose}, v.]
   1. To cause to stop or to rest after motion; hence, to
      deposit; to lay down; to lodge; to reposit. [Obs.]

            But these thy fortunes let us straight repose In
            this divine cave's bosom.             --Chapman.

            Pebbles reposed in those cliffs amongst the earth .
            . . are left behind.                  --Woodward.

   2. To lay at rest; to cause to be calm or quiet; to compose;
      to rest, -- often reflexive; as, to repose one's self on a

            All being settled and reposed, the lord archbishop
            did present his majesty to the lords and commons.

            After the toil of battle to repose Your wearied
            virtue.                               --Milton.

   3. To place, have, or rest; to set; to intrust.

            The king reposeth all his confidence in thee.

Reposed \Re*posed"\ (r*p[=o]zd"), a.
   Composed; calm; tranquil; at rest. --Bacon. -- {Re*pos"ed*ly}
   (r[-e]*p[=o]z"[e^]d*l[y^]), adv. -- {Re*pos"ed*ness}, n.
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