

资料来源 : pyDict

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Render \Ren"der\ (r?n"d?r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rendered}
   (-d?rd);p. pr. & vb. n. {Rendering}.] [F. rendre, LL. rendre,
   fr. L. reddere; pref. red-, re-, re- + dare to give. See
   {Date}time, and cf. {Reddition}, {Rent}.]
   1. To return; to pay back; to restore.

            Whose smallest minute lost, no riches render may.

   2. To inflict, as a retribution; to requite.

            I will render vengeance to mine enemies. --Deut.
                                                  xxxii. 41.

   3. To give up; to yield; to surrender.

            I 'll make her render up her page to me. --Shak.

   4. Hence, to furnish; to contribute.

            Logic renders its daily service to wisdom and
            virtue.                               --I. Watts.

   5. To furnish; to state; to deliver; as, to render an
      account; to render judgment.

   6. To cause to be, or to become; as, to render a person more
      safe or more unsafe; to render a fortress secure.

   7. To translate from one language into another; as, to render
      Latin into English.

   8. To interpret; to set forth, represent, or exhibit; as, an
      actor renders his part poorly; a singer renders a passage
      of music with great effect; a painter renders a scene in a
      felicitous manner.

            He did render him the most unnatural That lived
            amongst men.                          --Shak.

   9. To try out or extract (oil, lard, tallow, etc.) from fatty
      animal substances; as, to render tallow.

   10. To plaster, as a wall of masonry, without the use of
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