
Renal cast

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Cast \Cast\, n. [Cf. Icel., Dan., & Sw. kast.]
   1. The act of casting or throwing; a throw.

   2. The thing thrown.

            A cast of dreadful dust.              --Dryden.

   3. The distance to which a thing is or can be thrown. ``About
      a stone's cast.'' --Luke xxii. 41.

   4. A throw of dice; hence, a chance or venture.

            An even cast whether the army should march this way
            or that way. --Sowth.

            I have set my life upon a cast, And I will stand the
            hazard of the die.                    --Shak.

   5. That which is throw out or off, shed, or ejected; as, the
      skin of an insect, the refuse from a hawk's stomach, the
      excrement of a earthworm.

   6. The act of casting in a mold.

            And why such daily cast of brazen cannon. --Shak.

   7. An impression or mold, taken from a thing or person;
      amold; a pattern.

   8. That which is formed in a mild; esp. a reproduction or
      copy, as of a work of art, in bronze or plaster, etc.; a

   9. Form; appearence; mien; air; style; as, a peculiar cast of
      countenance. ``A neat cast of verse.'' --Pope.

            An heroic poem, but in another cast and figure.

            And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied
            o'er with the pale cast of thought.   --Shak.

   10. A tendency to any color; a tinge; a shade.

             Gray with a cast of green.           --Woodward.

   11. A chance, opportunity, privilege, or advantage;
       specifically, an opportunity of riding; a lift. [Scotch]

             We bargained with the driver to give us a cast to
             the next stage.                      --Smollett.

             If we had the cast o' a cart to bring it. --Sir W.

   12. The assignment of parts in a play to the actors.

   13. (Falconary) A flight or a couple or set of hawks let go
       at one time from the hand. --Grabb.

             As when a cast of falcons make their flight.

   14. A stoke, touch, or trick. [Obs.]

             This was a cast of Wood's politics; for his
             information was wholly false.        --Swift.

   15. A motion or turn, as of the eye; direction; look; glance;

             The cast of the eye is a gesture of aversion.

             And let you see with one cast of an eye. --Addison.

             This freakish, elvish cast came into the child's
             eye.                                 --Hawthorne.

   16. A tube or funnel for conveying metal into a mold.

   17. Four; that is, as many as are thrown into a vessel at
       once in counting herrings, etc; a warp.

   18. Contrivance; plot, design. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

   {A cast of the eye}, a slight squint or strabismus.

   {Renal cast} (Med.), microscopic bodies found in the urine of
      persons affected with disease of the kidneys; -- so called
      because they are formed of matter deposited in, and
      preserving the outline of, the renal tubes.

   {The last cast}, the last throw of the dice or last effort,
      on which every thing is ventured; the last chance.
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