

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Recollect \Rec"ol*lect\, n. [See {Recollet}.] (Eccl.)
   A friar of the Strict Observance, -- an order of Franciscans.
   [Written also {Recollet}.] --Addis & Arnold.

Recollet \Rec"ol*let\ (r?k"?l*l?t; F. r?`k?`l?"), n. [F.
   r['e]collet, fr. L. recollectus, p. p. of recolligere to
   gather again, to gather up; NL., to collect one's self, esp.
   for religious contemplation.] (Eccl.)
   Same as {Recollect}, n.
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