

资料来源 : pyDict

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Ney \Ney\, n. [AS. net; akin to D. net, OS. net, netti, OHG.
   nezzi, G. netz, Icel. & Dan. net, Sw. n["a]t, Goth. nati; of
   uncertain origin.]
   1. A fabric of twine, thread, or the like, wrought or woven
      into meshes, and used for catching fish, birds,
      butterflies, etc.

   2. Anything designed or fitted to entrap or catch; a snare;
      any device for catching and holding.

            A man that flattereth his neighbor spreadeth a net
            for his feet.                         --Prov. xxix.

            In the church's net there are fishes good or bad.
                                                  --Jer. Taylor.

   3. Anything wrought or woven in meshes; as, a net for the
      hair; a mosquito net; a tennis net.

   4. (Geom.) A figure made up of a large number of straight
      lines or curves, which are connected at certain points and
      related to each other by some specified law.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : French marshal in the Napoleonic Wars (1769-1815) [syn: {Michel
         Ney}, {Duc d'Elchingen}]
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