
Netting needle

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Netting \Net"ting\, n. [From {Net}, n.]
   1. The act or process of making nets or network, or of
      forming meshes, as for fancywork, fishing nets, etc.

   2. A piece of network; any fabric, made of cords, threads,
      wires, or the like, crossing one another with open spaces

   3. (Naut.) A network of ropes used for various purposes, as
      for holding the hammocks when not in use, also for stowing
      sails, and for hoisting from the gunwale to the rigging to
      hinder an enemy from boarding. --Totten.

   {Netting needle}, a kind of slender shuttle used in netting.
      See {Needle}, n., 3.
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