
M sylvestris

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)


   {Corn mint} is {Mentha arvensis}.

   {Horsemint} is {M. sylvestris}, and in the United States
      {Monarda punctata}, which differs from the true mints in
      several respects.

   {Mountain mint} is any species of the related genus
      {Pycnanthemum}, common in North America.

   {Peppermint} is {M. piperita}.

   {Spearmint} is {M. viridis}.

   {Water mint} is {M. aquatica}.

   {Mint camphor}. (Chem.) See {Menthol}.

   {Mint julep}. See {Julep}.

   {Mint sauce}, a sauce flavored with spearmint, for meats.

Mallow \Mal"low\, Mallows \Mal"lows\, n. [OE. malwe, AS. mealwe,
   fr. L. malva, akin to Gr. mala`chh; cf. mala`ssein to soften,
   malako`s soft. Named either from its softening or relaxing
   properties, or from its soft downy leaves. Cf. {Mauve},
   {Malachite}.] (Bot.)
   A genus of plants ({Malva}) having mucilaginous qualities.
   See {Malvaceous}.

   Note: The flowers of the common mallow ({M. sylvestris}) are
         used in medicine. The dwarf mallow ({M. rotundifolia})
         is a common weed, and its flattened, dick-shaped fruits
         are called cheeses by children. Tree mallow ({M.
         Mauritiana} and {Lavatera arborea}), musk mallow ({M.
         moschata}), rose mallow or hollyhock, and curled mallow
         ({M. crispa}), are less commonly seen.

   {Indian mallow}. See {Abutilon}.

   {Jew's mallow}, a plant ({Corchorus olitorius}) used as a pot
      herb by the Jews of Egypt and Syria.

   {Marsh mallow}. See under {Marsh}.
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