
M bilinearis

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hake \Hake\, n. [Also {haak}.] [Akin to Norweg. hakefisk, lit.,
   hook fish, Prov. E. hake hook, G. hecht pike. See {Hook}.]
   One of several species of marine gadoid fishes, of the genera
   {Phycis}, {Merlucius}, and allies. The common European hake
   is {M. vulgaris}; the American silver hake or whiting is {M.
   bilinearis}. Two American species ({Phycis chuss} and {P.
   tenius}) are important food fishes, and are also valued for
   their oil and sounds. Called also {squirrel hake}, and
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