

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Levant \Le"vant\ (l[=e]"vant), a. [F., p. pr. of lever to
   raise.] (Law)
   Rising or having risen from rest; -- said of cattle. See
   {Couchant and levant}, under {Couchant}.

Levant \Le*vant"\ (l[-e]*v[a^]nt"), n. [It. levante the point
   where the sun rises, the east, the Levant, fr. levare to
   raise, levarsi to rise: cf. F. levant. See {Lever}.]
   1. The countries washed by the eastern part of the
      Mediterranean and its contiguous waters.

   2. A levanter (the wind so called).

Levant \Le"vant\ (l[=e]"vant; 277), a.
   Eastern. [Obs.]

         Forth rush the levant and the ponent winds. --Milton.

Levant \Le*vant"\ (l[-e]*v[a^]nt"), v. i. [Cf. Sp. levantar to
   raise, go from one place to another.]
   To run away from one's debts; to decamp. [Colloq. Eng.]

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a heavy morocco often used in bookbinding [syn: {Levant
     2: the former name for the geographical area of the eastern
        Mediterranean that is now occupied by Lebanon and Syria
        and Israel
     v : run off without paying a debt
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