
Leuciscus vulgaris

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Dace \Dace\, n. [Written also dare, dart, fr. F. dard dase,
   dart, of German origin. Dace is for an older darce, fr. an
   OF. nom. darz. See {Dart} a javelin.] (Zo["o]l.)
   A small European cyprinoid fish ({Squalius leuciscus} or
   {Leuciscus vulgaris}); -- called also {dare}.

   Note: In America the name is given to several related fishes
         of the genera {Squalius}, {Minnilus}, etc. The
         black-nosed dace is {Rhinichthys atronasus} the horned
         dace is {Semotilus corporalis}. For red dace, see
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