

资料来源 : pyDict

纤发菌属; 纤毛菌属

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Leptothrix \Lep"to*thrix\ (l[e^]p"t[-o]*thr[i^]ks), n. [NL., fr.
   Gr. lepto`s small + qri`x hair.] (Biol.)
   A genus of bacteria, characterized by having their filaments
   very long, slender, and indistinctly articulated.

Leptothrix \Lep"to*thrix\, a. [See {Leptothrix}, n. ] (Biol.)
   Having the form of a little chain; -- applied to bacteria
   when, as in multiplication by fission, they form a chain of
   filiform individuals.
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