
Lepidopus caudatus or argyreus

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scabbard \Scab"bard\, n. [OE. scaubert, scauberk, OF. escaubers,
   escauberz, pl., scabbards, probably of German or Scan.
   origin; cf. Icel. sk[=a]lpr scabbard, and G. bergen to
   conceal. Cf. {Hauberk}.]
   The case in which the blade of a sword, dagger, etc., is
   kept; a sheath.

         Nor in thy scabbard sheathe that famous blade.

   {Scabbard fish} (Zo["o]l.), a long, compressed,
      silver-colored t[ae]nioid fish ({Lepidopus caudatus, or
      argyreus}), found on the European coasts, and more
      abundantly about New Zealand, where it is called
      {frostfish} and considered an excellent food fish.
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