
Lepidium sativum

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Peppergrass \Pep"per*grass`\, n. (Bot.)
   (a) Any herb of the cruciferous genus {Lepidium}, especially
       the garden peppergrass, or garden cress, {Lepidium
       sativum}; -- called also {pepperwort}. All the species
       have a pungent flavor.
   (b) The common pillwort of Europe ({Pilularia globulifera}).
       See {Pillwort}.

Cress \Cress\ (kr[e^]s), n.; pl. {Cresses} (kr[e^]s"[e^]z). [OE.
   ces, cresse, kers, kerse, AS. cresse, cerse; akin to D. kers,
   G. kresse, Dan. karse, Sw. krasse, and possibly also to OHG.
   chresan to creep.] (Bot.)
   A plant of various species, chiefly cruciferous. The leaves
   have a moderately pungent taste, and are used as a salad and

   Note: The garden cress, called also {peppergrass}, is the
         {Lepidium sativum}; the water cress is the {Nasturtium
         officinale}. Various other plants are sometimes called

               To strip the brook with mantling cresses spread.

   {Bitter cress}. See under {Bitter}.

   {Not worth a cress}, or {``not worth a kers.''} a common old
      proverb, now turned into the meaningless ``not worth a
      curse.'' --Skeat.

资料来源 : WordNet®

Lepidium sativum
     n : annual herb used as salad green and garnish [syn: {common
         garden cress}, {garden pepper cress}, {pepper grass}, {pepperwort}]
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