
Lecanium coffaea

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Coffee \Cof"fee\ (?; 115), n. [Turk. qahveh, Ar. qahuah wine,
   coffee, a decoction of berries. Cf. {Caf['e]}.]
   1. The ``beans'' or ``berries'' (pyrenes) obtained from the
      drupes of a small evergreen tree of the genus {Coffea},
      growing in Abyssinia, Arabia, Persia, and other warm
      regions of Asia and Africa, and also in tropical America.

   2. The coffee tree.

   Note: There are several species of the coffee tree, as,
         {Coffea Arabica}, {C. occidentalis}, and {C. Liberica}.
         The white, fragrant flowers grow in clusters at the
         root of the leaves, and the fruit is a red or purple
         cherrylike drupe, with sweet pulp, usually containing
         two pyrenes, commercially called ``beans'' or

   3. The beverage made from the roasted and ground berry.

            They have in Turkey a drink called coffee. . . .
            This drink comforteth the brain and heart, and
            helpeth digestion.                    --Bacon.

   Note: The use of coffee is said to have been introduced into
         England about 1650, when coffeehouses were opened in
         Oxford and London.

   {Coffee bug} (Zo["o]l.), a species of scale insect ({Lecanium
      coff[ae]a}), often very injurious to the coffee tree.

   {Coffee rat} (Zo["o]l.) See {Musang}.
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