

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Lax \Lax\, a. [Compar. {Laxer}; superl. {Laxest}.] [L. laxus Cf.
   {Laches}, {Languish}, {Lease}, v. t., {Leash}.]
   1. Not tense, firm, or rigid; loose; slack; as, a lax
      bandage; lax fiber.

            The flesh of that sort of fish being lax and spongy.

   2. Not strict or stringent; not exact; loose; weak; vague;

            The discipline was lax.               --Macaulay.

            Society at that epoch was lenient, if not lax, in
            matters of the passions.              --J. A.

            The word ``[ae]ternus'' itself is sometimes of a lax
            signification.                        --Jortin.

   3. Having a looseness of the bowels; diarrheal.

   Syn: Loose; slack; vague; unconfined; unrestrained;
        dissolute; licentious.
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