
Law of continuity

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Continuity \Con`ti*nu"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Continuities}. [L.
   continuitas: cf. F. continuit['e]. See {Continuous}.]
   the state of being continuous; uninterupted connection or
   succession; close union of parts; cohesion; as, the
   continuity of fibers. --Grew.

         The sight would be tired, if it were attracted by a
         continuity of glittering objects.        --Dryden.

   {Law of continuity} (Math. & Physics), the principle that
      nothing passes from one state to another without passing
      through all the intermediate states.

   {Solution of continuity}. (Math.) See under {Solution}.
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