
In jest

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Jest \Jest\, n. [OE. jeste, geste, deed, action, story, tale,
   OF. geste, LL. gesta, orig., exploits, neut. pl. from L.
   gestus, p. p. of gerere to bear, carry, accomplish, perform;
   perh. orig., to make to come, bring, and perh. akin to E.
   come. Cf. {Gest} a deed, {Register}, n.]
   1. A deed; an action; a gest. [Obs.]

            The jests or actions of princes.      --Sir T.

   2. A mask; a pageant; an interlude. [Obs.] --Nares.

            He promised us, in honor of our guest, To grace our
            banquet with some pompous jest.       --Kyd.

   3. Something done or said in order to amuse; a joke; a
      witticism; a jocose or sportive remark or phrase. See
      Synonyms under {Jest}, v. i.

            I must be sad . . . smile at no man's jests. --Shak.

            The Right Honorable gentleman is indebted to his
            memory for his jests, and to his imagination for his
            facts.                                --Sheridan.

   4. The object of laughter or sport; a laughingstock.

            Then let me be your jest; I deserve it. --Shak.

   {In jest}, for mere sport or diversion; not in truth and
      reality; not in earnest.

            And given in earnest what I begged in jest. --Shak.

   {Jest book}, a book containing a collection of jests, jokes,
      and amusing anecdotes; a Joe Miller.
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