
Hill ant

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hill \Hill\, n. [OE. hil, hul, AS. hyll; akin to OD. hille, hil,
   L. collis, and prob. to E. haulm, holm, and column. Cf. 2d
   1. A natural elevation of land, or a mass of earth rising
      above the common level of the surrounding land; an
      eminence less than a mountain.

            Every mountain and hill shall be made low. --Is. xl.

   2. The earth raised about the roots of a plant or cluster of
      plants. [U. S.] See {Hill}, v. t.

   3. A single cluster or group of plants growing close
      together, and having the earth heaped up about them; as, a
      hill of corn or potatoes. [U. S.]

   {Hill ant} (Zo["o]l.), a common ant ({Formica rufa}), of
      Europe and America, which makes mounds or ant-hills over
      its nests.

   {Hill myna} (Zo["o]l.), one of several species of birds of
      India, of the genus {Gracula}, and allied to the
      starlings. They are easily taught to speak many words.
      [Written also {hill mynah}.] See {Myna}.

   {Hill partridge} (Zo["o]l.), a partridge of the genus
      {Aborophila}, of which numerous species in habit Southern
      Asia and the East Indies.

   {Hill tit} (Zo["o]l.), one of numerous species of small
      Asiatic singing birds of the family {Leiotrichid[ae]}.
      Many are beautifully colored.
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