
Hibiscus cannabinus

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Ambary \Am*ba"ry\, n., or Ambary hemp \Ambary hemp\ . [Hind.
   amb[=a]r[=a], amb[=a]r[=i].]
   A valuable East Indian fiber plant ({Hibiscus cannabinus}),
   or its fiber, which is used throughout India for making
   ropes, cordage, and a coarse canvas and sackcloth; -- called
   also {brown Indian hemp}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

Hibiscus cannabinus
     n : valuable fiber plant of East Indies now widespread in
         cultivation [syn: {kenaf}, {kanaf}, {deccan hemp}, {bimli},
          {bimli hemp}, {Indian hemp}, {Bombay hemp}]
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