
Hearth penny

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hearth \Hearth\, n. [OE. harthe, herth, herthe, AS. heor?; akin
   to D. haard, heerd, Sw. h["a]rd, G. herd; cf. Goth. ha['u]ri
   a coal, Icel. hyrr embers, and L. cremare to burn.]
   1. The pavement or floor of brick, stone, or metal in a
      chimney, on which a fire is made; the floor of a
      fireplace; also, a corresponding part of a stove.

            There was a fire on the hearth burning before him.
                                                  --Jer. xxxvi.

            Where fires thou find'st unraked and hearths
            unswept. There pinch the maids as blue as bilberry.

   2. The house itself, as the abode of comfort to its inmates
      and of hospitality to strangers; fireside.

   3. (Metal. & Manuf.) The floor of a furnace, on which the
      material to be heated lies, or the lowest part of a
      melting furnace, into which the melted material settles.

   {Hearth ends} (Metal.), fragments of lead ore ejected from
      the furnace by the blast.

   {Hearth money}, {Hearth penny} [AS. heor[eth]pening], a tax
      formerly laid in England on hearths, each hearth (in all
      houses paying the church and poor rates) being taxed at
      two shillings; -- called also {chimney money}, etc.

            He had been importuned by the common people to
            relieve them from the . . . burden of the hearth
            money.                                --Macaulay.
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