
Flake white

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

White \White\, n.
   1. The color of pure snow; one of the natural colors of
      bodies, yet not strictly a color, but a composition of all
      colors; the opposite of black; whiteness. See the Note
      under {Color}, n., 1.

            Finely attired in a of white.         --Shak.

   2. Something having the color of snow; something white, or
      nearly so; as, the white of the eye.

   3. Specifically, the central part of the butt in archery,
      which was formerly painted white; the center of a mark at
      which a missile is shot.

            'T was I won the wager, though you hit the white.

   4. A person with a white skin; a member of the white, or
      Caucasian, races of men.

   5. A white pigment; as, Venice white.

   6. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of butterflies
      belonging to {Pieris}, and allied genera in which the
      color is usually white. See {Cabbage butterfly}, under

   {Black and white}. See under {Black}.

   {Flake white}, {Paris white}, etc. See under {Flack},
      {Paris}, etc.

   {White of a seed} (Bot.), the albumen. See {Albumen}, 2.

   {White of egg}, the viscous pellucid fluid which surrounds
      the yolk in an egg, particularly in the egg of a fowl. In
      a hen's egg it is alkaline, and contains about 86 per cent
      of water and 14 per cent of solid matter, the greater
      portion of which is egg albumin. It likewise contains a
      small amount of globulin, and traces of fats and sugar,
      with some inorganic matter. Heated above 60[deg] C. it
      coagulates to a solid mass, owing to the albumin which it
      contains. --Parr.

   {White of the eye} (Anat.), the white part of the ball of the
      eye surrounding the transparent cornea.

   {Flake knife} (Arch[ae]ol.), a cutting instrument used by
      savage tribes, made of a flake or chip of hard stone.

   {Flake stand}, the cooling tub or vessel of a still worm.

   {Flake white}. (Paint.)
      (a) The purest white lead, in the form of flakes or
      (b) The trisnitrate of bismuth. --Ure.
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