
Fence roof

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fence \Fence\, n. [Abbrev. from defence.]
   1. That which fends off attack or danger; a defense; a
      protection; a cover; security; shield.

            Let us be backed with God and with the seas, Which
            he hath given for fence impregnable.  --Shak.

            A fence betwixt us and the victor's wrath.

   2. An inclosure about a field or other space, or about any
      object; especially, an inclosing structure of wood, iron,
      or other material, intended to prevent intrusion from
      without or straying from within.

            Leaps o'er the fence with ease into the fold.

   Note: In England a hedge, ditch, or wall, as well as a
         structure of boards, palings, or rails, is called a

   3. (Locks) A projection on the bolt, which passes through the
      tumbler gates in locking and unlocking.

   4. Self-defense by the use of the sword; the art and practice
      of fencing and sword play; hence, skill in debate and
      repartee. See {Fencing}.

            Enjoy your dear wit, and gay rhetoric, That hath so
            well been taught her dazzing fence.   --Milton.

            Of dauntless courage and consummate skill in fence.

   5. A receiver of stolen goods, or a place where they are
      received. [Slang] --Mayhew.

   {Fence month} (Forest Law), the month in which female deer
      are fawning, when hunting is prohibited. --Bullokar.

   {Fence roof}, a covering for defense. ``They fitted their
      shields close to one another in manner of a fence roof.''

   {Fence time}, the breeding time of fish or game, when they
      should not be killed.

   {Rail fence}, a fence made of rails, sometimes supported by

   {Ring fence}, a fence which encircles a large area, or a
      whole estate, within one inclosure.

   {Worm fence}, a zigzag fence composed of rails crossing one
      another at their ends; -- called also {snake fence}, or
      {Virginia rail fence}.

   {To be on the fence}, to be undecided or uncommitted in
      respect to two opposing parties or policies. [Colloq.]
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