
Dies non juridici

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   {Grand cross}.
      (a) The highest rank of knighthood in the Order of the
      (b) A knight grand cross.

   {Grand cordon}, the cordon or broad ribbon, identified with
      the highest grade in certain honorary orders; hence, a
      person who holds that grade.

   {Grand days} (Eng. Law), certain days in the terms which are
      observed as holidays in the inns of court and chancery
      (Candlemas, Ascension, St. John Baptist's, and All Saints'
      Days); called also {Dies non juridici}.

   {Grand duchess}.
      (a) The wife or widow of a grand duke.
      (b) A lady having the sovereignty of a duchy in her own
      (c) In Russia, a daughter of the Czar.

   {Grand duke}.
      (a) A sovereign duke, inferior in rank to a king; as, the
          Grand Duke of Tuscany.
      (b) In Russia, a son of the Czar.
      (c) (Zo["o]l.) The European great horned owl or eagle owl
          ({Bubo maximas}).

   {Grand-guard}, or {Grandegarde}, a piece of plate armor used
      in tournaments as an extra protection for the left
      shoulder and breast.

   {Grand juror}, a member of a grand jury.

   {Grand jury} (Law), a jury of not less than twelve men, and
      not more than twenty-three, whose duty it is, in private
      session, to examine into accusations against persons
      charged with crime, and if they see just cause, then to
      find bills of indictment against them, to be presented to
      the court; -- called also {grand inquest}.

   {Grand juryman}, a grand juror.

   {Grand larceny}. (Law) See under {Larceny}.

   {Grand lodge}, the chief lodge, or governing body, among
      Freemasons and other secret orders.

   {Grand master}.
      (a) The head of one of the military orders of knighthood,
          as the Templars, Hospitallers, etc.
      (b) The head of the order of Freemasons or of Good
          Templars, etc.
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