

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Diastase \Di"a*stase\, n. [Gr. ? separation, fr. ?, ? to stand
   apart; dia` through + ?, ?, to stand, set: cf. F. diastase.
   Cf. {Diastasis}.] (Physiol. Chem.)
   A soluble, nitrogenous ferment, capable of converting starch
   and dextrin into sugar.

   Note: The name is more particularly applied to that ferment
         formed during the germination of grain, as in the
         malting of barley; but it is also occasionally used to
         designate the amylolytic ferment contained in animal
         fluids, as in the saliva.
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