

资料来源 : pyDict

折光; 折射散焦线

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Diacaustic \Di`a*caus"tic\, a. [Pref. dia- + caustic.] (Opt.)
   Pertaining to, or possessing the properties of, a species of
   caustic curves formed by refraction. See {Caustic surface},
   under {Caustic}.

Diacaustic \Di`a*caus"tic\, n.
   1. (Med.) That which burns by refraction, as a double convex
      lens, or the sun's rays concentrated by such a lens,
      sometimes used as a cautery.

   2. (Math.) A curved formed by the consecutive intersections
      of rays of light refracted through a lens.
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