
Destructive sorities

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Sorites \So*ri"tes\, n. [L., from Gr. swrei`ths (sc.
   syllogismo`s), properly, heaped up (hence, a heap of
   syllogisms), fr. swro`s a heap.] (Logic)
   An abridged form of stating of syllogisms in a series of
   propositions so arranged that the predicate of each one that
   precedes forms the subject of each one that follows, and the
   conclusion unites the subject of the first proposition with
   the predicate of the last proposition, as in following

         The soul is a thinking agent; A thinking agent can not
         be severed into parts; That which can not be severed
         can not be destroyed; Therefore the soul can not be

   Note: When the series is arranged in the reverse order, it is
         called the Goclenian sorites, from Goclenius, a
         philosopher of the sixteenth century.

   {Destructive sorities}. See under {Destructive}.
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