

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Deny \De*ny"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Denied}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Denying}.] [OE. denien, denaien, OF. denier, deneer, F.
   d['e]nier, fr. L. denegare; de- + negare to say no, deny. See
   1. To declare not to be true; to gainsay; to contradict; --
      opposed to affirm, allow, or admit.

   Note: We deny what another says, or we deny the truth of an
         assertion, the force of it, or the assertion itself.

   2. To refuse (to do something or to accept something); to
      reject; to decline; to renounce. [Obs.] ``If you deny to
      dance.'' --Shak.

   3. To refuse to grant; to withhold; to refuse to gratify or
      yield to; as, to deny a request.

            Who finds not Providence all good and wise, Alike in
            what it gives, and what denies?       --Pope.

            To some men, it is more agreeable to deny a vicious
            inclination, than to gratify it.      --J. Edwards.

   4. To disclaim connection with, responsibility for, and the
      like; to refuse to acknowledge; to disown; to abjure; to

            The falsehood of denying his opinion. --Bancroft.

            Thou thrice denied, yet thrice beloved. --Keble.

   {To deny one's self}, to decline the gratification of
      appetites or desires; to practice self-denial.

            Let him deny himself, and take up his cross. --Matt.
                                                  xvi. 24.
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